Sunday, July 01, 2007

Annie Thinks I'm Good at This

Which is always a nice thing to hear! (Please forgive me for pointing out that no one could with any honesty call me a "girl". I'm well into middle age and nigh on to -- well, you know.)

Annie, of course, is She whose Superpower Is Reading. (Thank you, Annie, for the kind words.) And do feel free to pass my name and URL on to those folks who are handing out ARCs if you are so inclined.

Tagging five additional people is rough -- not because there's any dearth of talent, but because I will undoubtedly tag someone who has already been named.

There is Cam of Cam's Commentary. She leads a very busy life which is why her very thoughtful posts are always so valued. Oh, there's Melanie over at Indextrious Reader. Melanie is Canadian and her June 25th posting invites some thought. Heather of The Library Ladder is also Canadian. She'd had an unfortunate situation with her laptop that forced a hiatus, but now she has returned to assure us she is still amongst the living. There's Tara of Books and Cooks who is a mom with a recent birthday celebration, involving many, many books. You should see her stack of Persephones. I think Mary is a reliable resource for books; in the interests of full disclosure, Mary was one of the first people to add me to her blogroll so there is a natural fondness there anyway. Mary writes sensible book blurbs that actually tell you something about the book.

And while neither of them are book bloggers per se, I happen to enjoy reading the blogs by Sr. Claire Joy and Grandmere Mimi. (I think we should count Grandmere Mimi as an honorary blogger of books because her blog features a portrait of Jane Austen. I mean, if a woman is capable of properly appreciating Jane's work, what else need be said?)