Friday, June 15, 2007

Statistics, Women and Books

We all know the perils of putting too much stock in statistics (lies, damn lies, and all that) but I thought this group might find these statistics to be of interest.

According to a survey done by Content Connections, the average American woman purchased about 30 books in the past year, purchased as much non-fiction as fiction (mostly in paperback format), bought both digital as well as audio content, and spends 40 minutes or longer on a visit to the bookstore. She spends roughly $500.00 per year on content; surprisingly, perhaps, that dollar amount is valid across all income levels. Recommendations and reviews were drawn from the full spectrum of sources (television, newspapers, magazines, friends, the Web, etc.).

The top subject areas of interest (non-fiction) were:

  1. Women's issues
  2. Mind, Body, Spirit
  3. Biographies
  4. Religion and Spirituality
  5. Travel

Content Connections collected responses from 1600 women. To read the report in all of its 27-page, PDF-file-format glory, visit their site and provide them with your name and email address. Confidentially, I've probably given you the highlights, but they also did (or perhaps they're planning to do) similar surveys regarding the attitudes of men and children...