Monday, October 09, 2006

Miscellaneous Links

RIP Reading Links:

--Michael Chabon on M.R. James (Montague Rhodes James) Good line: "These are stories that venture to the limits of the human capacity for terror and revulsion, as it were, armed only with an umbrella and a very dry wit."

--From the Toronto Star: Article regarding a lawsuit against H.G. Wells for plagiarism. Via The Library Ladder .

--An H.G. Wells ghost story: The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost. I like the technique of the humorous tale of the ghost linked to the "real" ghost story. Similar to what James' had specified in terms of making the reader feeling thoroughly at east in the setting before you introduce the discomforting elements.

--Useful resource: Glossary of Literary Gothic Terms

--Finally, written as background for a dramatic presentation, Ghost Talk. Briefly relates the ghost story to folklore.