The Phantom Rickshaw
The Phantom Rickshaw
By Rudyard Kipling
Another entry in the Readers Imbibing Peril (R.I.P.) Autumn Challenge
This Sunday for a while, I was browsing through the LitGothic site and found Rudyard Kipling as one of their listed authors. I had never read the short story The Phantom Rickshaw before and figured it would do as something light for 3:30 in the afternoon. For whatever reason, I suspect it is now lodged in my brain; it's not a terribly frightening story but it does have some staying power. There is the unhappy situation between Theobald Pansay and Agnes Wessington which never fully resolves itself. Pansay is, in the words of Dr. Heatherlegh, something of a blackguard, but that hardly seems to justify the haunting which overtakes him and wrecks his existence.
I may now have to go find and read his short story, They
Extract from The Phantom Rickshaw: