Sunday, April 22, 2007


I am currently about halfway through the book I need to discuss at the library this coming Thursday evening. It's Ex Libris by Ross King. There's real meat in this text and I hope the participants work through the plot to find it.

The ever artistic Cornflower offered up some lovely artwork relating to reading this past week and so prompted, I went rummaging about in the Bridgeman Art Library (UK) this morning to see what other works might have the word "reading" as a keyword. This is called TeaTime 1910. I selected it on the basis of the colors found in that lovely floral arrangement as well as the lighting. But it would be interesting if any one out there has any thoughts about the woman sitting there reading. There is that bare shoulder. And she's reading rather than attending to the teapot. Is this the first moment of peace she's had today?